Escape room Space Mission 07
The year is 3017. The Earth is in ecological crisis, having been drained out of resources. Mankind found themselves on the verge of extinction. In order to survive humans started to look for a new habitable planet to live in. Specialized spacecrafts were designed, capable of long-distance flights. Having found a habitable planet for colonization, named Aegis VII, people began active preparations towards resettlement and creating an environment for living.
However, a month before initiation of colonization process, the crew of USG Ishimura has lost radio contact with the Earth. A decision was taken to send the last trained team of astronauts into the space to investigate causes of breakdown in communications, eliminate them and to commence resettlement process. You are this group of astronauts, and the future of humanity is in your hands now.
60 MIN
2-6 Players
You have the opportunity to play the Escape Room in GERMAN
Escape Room Booking
Super Abenteuer! Es hat sich wie in einem Spielangefühlt)) Sehr realistische Dekoration, alle Puzzles funktionieren einwandfrei. Vielen Dank an die Belegschaft!
Marc 15/09/2019 |
Die Space Mission des Escape Rooms ist sehr umfassend und originell! Die Erfahrung war insgesamt sehr zufrieden stellend! Absolut empfehlenswert!
Andreas 15/09/2019 |
lch kann dies jedem zu 100% weiterempfehlen, der was anderes machen möchte als sightseeing. Die Action, Puzzles und die Atmosphäre sind atemberaubend. Die Emotionen laufen auf hochtouren!
Renate 15/09/2019 |
Vielen Dank für ihre Buchung des Escape Rooms. Unser Manager ist begeistert. Er wird jeden Moment seinen Freudentanz beenden und sie sofort zurückrufen!
Thomas 18/09/2019 |